Official Trophy List
List Of Awards
Showing All Awards for Year 131 Stallion Futurity
Era 0 Stallion Futurity Standings:
$$FS Defiant Future E0 owned by VenomVixenTop 10 Foals:
Mixed Ensure owned by Ellesmere022
BS 11916205 owned by Ellesmere022
FL 11815387 owned by LumosRain
FL 11815388 owned by LumosRain
MUE Future Limits sba 139 owned by LumosRain
BtSt 0 11842709 owned by LoopDuhLoop
BtSt 0 11842706 owned by LoopDuhLoop
FL 11815383 owned by LumosRain
Top 10 Foals:
Velvet Capital owned by FeldingFields
BS 11916156 owned by Ellesmere022
Virus Pour owned by FeldingFields
Evaluations Consultation owned by FeldingFields
CN 11889677 owned by VenemousGiant
BS spare 6 owned by Ellesmere022
CN 11889683 owned by VenemousGiant
Floating Morgan owned by FeldingFields
CN 11889682 owned by VenemousGiant
CN 11889678 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
X Tempted Wind SAsp 15S owned by RubyJoFarm
VGN Lesbian Avenger owned by VenemousGiant
Prism Frost Starmap owned by Lallyhop
BS Chains and Oaths FH owned by KatoCoyote
Era 1 Stallion Futurity Standings:
F BS French Objective E1 owned by RLazyBRanchE1 BC Cursed Dreams owned by CarlyManciu
Top 10 Foals:
Era 1 fut 11831588blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831556 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831443 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831494blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831567 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831493 gold owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831442blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11831441 B owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
E1 Sleight of Hand owned by whywishesarehorses
F BS Uh Musing E1 owned by RLazyBRanch
FP Muse Under The Sun owned by ValkyriePhoenix
$RR Little Rocket E1 owned by VenomVixen
Era 2 Stallion Futurity Standings:
FE2a Charismatic owned by FollysFantasiesTop 10 Foals:
S11834711 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834708 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834774 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834707 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834702 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834705 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834703 owned by RubyJoFarm
S 7 F Charism 11834704 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834699 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11834709 owned by RubyJoFarm
Top 10 Foals:
Era 2 fut 11814540blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814536 B owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814542 A owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814538 red owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814539blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814533 red red owned by VenemousGiant
Era 2 fut 11814535 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
F8g Fame in the Jungle E2 owned by RLazyBRanch
BVu Temper Two Plums sG owned by BlueValley
Smokin Elm Era 2 owned by VenemousGiant
Tin Roof Rusted owned by ImagineThat1
Era 3 Stallion Futurity Standings:
Hardwood owned by VenemousGiantTop 10 Foals:
BSBC Osage Orange 11906847 owned by BoredCowgirl
2GBC Ash 11906849 owned by BoredCowgirl
2GBC Walnut 11906809 owned by BoredCowgirl
Top 10 Foals:
Era 3 fut 11814694 owned by VenemousGiant
E3 Imported Drama FUTURE owned by Ellesmere022
Era 3 fut 11814695 star owned by VenemousGiant
Era 3 fut 11814689 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 3 fut 11814700 gold owned by VenemousGiant
E3 11812944 owned by Ellesmere022
E3 11812947 owned by Ellesmere022
Era 3 fut 11814697 A owned by VenemousGiant
Era 3 fut 11814699 owned by VenemousGiant
E3 11812946 owned by Ellesmere022
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
F BS Martian E3 owned by RLazyBRanch
RB5s Abundant Siblings E3 owned by FollysFantasies
Wash Findlaw owned by whywishesarehorses
RETIREDGarbageTranslation owned by Ellesmere022
Era 4 Stallion Futurity Standings:
E4 Rodentia owned by whywishesarehorsesTop 10 Foals:
e4 11837614 owned by Ellesmere022
e4 11837727 owned by Ellesmere022
e4 11837726 owned by Ellesmere022
e5 11837730 owned by Ellesmere022
e4 11837613 owned by Ellesmere022
e4 11837725 owned by Ellesmere022
11853016 owned by WinDriftHill
11853120 owned by WinDriftHill
e4 11837732 owned by Ellesmere022
12018507 owned by WinDriftHill
Top 10 Foals:
Futurity11830499 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Futurity11830498 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Futurity11830494 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Futurity11830493 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Futurity11830495 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Futurity11830501 owned by LoopDuhLoop
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
SSRTrekG3EWhatsAleNYou owned by Looper
F BS Threshold of Song E4 owned by RLazyBRanch
4S Developmental Ware 7G owned by Fireflake
FP Andes Mint Surprise owned by ValkyriePhoenix
Era 5 Stallion Futurity Standings:
RETIRED Null and Void owned by Ellesmere022Top 10 Foals:
Era 5 fut 11839527 gold owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839586 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839522 A owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839578 B owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839791 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839515 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839518 A owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839780 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839517 A owned by VenemousGiant
Era 5 fut 11839523 blue owned by VenemousGiant
Top 10 Foals:
e5 11837667 owned by Ellesmere022
SB G4H Subaru Population owned by silverborn
e5 11837701 owned by Ellesmere022
SB FF ArtistsPayment owned by silverborn
SB FF AdditionalSport owned by silverborn
e5 11837704 owned by Ellesmere022
SB FF CurlyPolyphonic owned by silverborn
e5 11837708 owned by Ellesmere022
e5 11837717 owned by Ellesmere022
e5 11837718 owned by Ellesmere022
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
G5 aga Nite Out owned by whywishesarehorses
RB5s BIP16 Berry Hunter E5 owned by FollysFantasies
4S Style SKGSPX8sa19 121S owned by RubyJoFarm
5S Mechanical Grill owned by Fireflake
Era 6 Stallion Futurity Standings:
*5E6S Fatal attraction owned by RideOutProTop 10 Foals:
Fatal Freeze owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Wallet owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Charts owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Dance owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Checking owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Tortoise owned by FeldingFields
11911937 owned by WinDriftHill
Fatal Three owned by FeldingFields
Fatal Cottage Cheese owned by FeldingFields
Top 10 Foals:
e6 11837676 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837672 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837675 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837671 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837682 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837677 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837674 owned by Ellesmere022
e6 11837679 owned by Ellesmere022
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Quiet Advice E6 owned by VenomVixen
FBF E6 Seize the Day owned by Firebrand
VGN Nitrogen Era 6 owned by VenemousGiant
BV3 Splash Of Everything owned by BlueValley
Era 7 Stallion Futurity Standings:
3S Abu SKSAPBmulc 116S owned by RubyJoFarmTop 10 Foals:
FE7 Honest owned by FollysFantasies
FF 11829187 INC owned by FollysFantasies
FF 11829185 owned by FollysFantasies
Top 10 Foals:
11817010 owned by Lallyhop
11817002 owned by Lallyhop
11817015 owned by Lallyhop
11817000 owned by Lallyhop
11817013 owned by Lallyhop
11817005 owned by Lallyhop
11817011 owned by Lallyhop
11817004 owned by Lallyhop
11817007 owned by Lallyhop
11816999 owned by Lallyhop
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
BV2 Cocytus dBL owned by BlueValley
HFL3 Cranberry Dreams owned by HighstormFarm
F BS Gamblers Policy E7 owned by RLazyBRanch
SB FS G3H BeatlesDevelop owned by silverborn
Era 8 Stallion Futurity Standings:
F2g Cranberry Crown E8 owned by RLazyBRanchTop 10 Foals:
FL11890416 owned by BossScorpio
FL11890412 owned by BossScorpio
FF Futurity 11847267 INC owned by FollysFantasies
FL11890414 owned by BossScorpio
FL11890410 owned by BossScorpio
FE8 Lemon Crush INC owned by FollysFantasies
FF Futurity 11847269 owned by FollysFantasies
Top 10 Foals:
FF 11827207 owned by FollysFantasies
Era 8 fut 11889674 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 8 fut Nutritious red owned by VenemousGiant
FF 11827209 owned by FollysFantasies
Era 8 fut 11889671 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 8 fut 11889672 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 8 fut 11889666 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 8 fut Guatemala blue owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
GIFT RAoG5GBC HowlAtTheMoon owned by VenemousGiant
RB3s BIP19 Bicentennial E8 owned by FollysFantasies
3S Aladdin SKMUSAPlc 118S owned by RubyJoFarm
3GBC MoonInTheWater owned by BoredCowgirl
Era 9 Stallion Futurity Standings:
HF2 Korathan owned by HighstormFarmTop 10 Foals:
S11811593 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811598 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811606 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811599 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811605 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811600 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811607 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811601 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811604 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811596 owned by RubyJoFarm
Top 10 Foals:
Era 9 fut 11831641blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831642 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831643blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831760blue owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831761 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831613 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831759 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 9 fut 11831615 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
G4 DeFacto Hunk owned by whywishesarehorses
3GBC TruffleInYourPocket owned by BoredCowgirl
BV2 Aspen Groves UT owned by BlueValley
F2g Pocket Truffles E9 owned by RLazyBRanch
Era 10 Stallion Futurity Standings:
FP Holiday Cheer owned by ValkyriePhoenixTop 10 Foals:
FBF 11898514 owned by Firebrand
G4 pltplt 11812552 owned by LumosRain
FBF 11812680 owned by Firebrand
FBF 11898513 owned by Firebrand
G4 pltplt 11812556 owned by LumosRain
FBF 11812648 owned by Firebrand
G4 pltplt 10 owned by LumosRain
G4 plt plt 10 max a owned by LumosRain
Top 10 Foals:
11857982 E10Fut owned by Vella
11857990 E10Fut owned by Vella
11857984 E10Fut owned by Vella
3g 11857986 E10Fut owned by Vella
11857979 E10Fut owned by Vella
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Certified Platinum ExPro owned by Whippoorwill
RR Crazy Lace E10 owned by VenomVixen
GIFT L1 - Primal Facts 3g owned by RLazyBRanch
F 3g Modern Design E10 owned by RLazyBRanch
Era 11 Stallion Futurity Standings:
E11G2 Morag owned by 4laskaTop 10 Foals:
11 Mo Presents owned by Fireflake
11Bl Spotted Rag owned by Fireflake
FL 2g 11945349 owned by BossScorpio
SF 11946899 owned by VenomVixen
11A Fire Rags owned by Fireflake
SF 11946898 owned by VenomVixen
11 Yucky Rags owned by Fireflake
FL 2g 11945344 owned by BossScorpio
Top 10 Foals:
S11811740 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811732 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811737 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811736 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811738 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811734 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811735 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811739 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811733 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11811731 owned by RubyJoFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
1 Plutus Swcwprdmlcsg104A owned by RubyJoFarm
BV2 Mushroom Soup U owned by BlueValley
RS Sleipnir Times owned by RideOutPro
RB1 Honor E11 owned by FollysFantasies
Era 12 Stallion Futurity Standings:
KT5 E12 Exposition owned by KintaraTop 10 Foals:
e12 11837546 owned by Ellesmere022
e12 11837548 owned by Ellesmere022
Era 12 11902218 owned by VenemousGiant
e12 11837547 owned by Ellesmere022
Era 12 VGN CorianderGOLD owned by VenemousGiant
e12 11837551 owned by Ellesmere022
e12 11837545 owned by Ellesmere022
e12 11837553 owned by Ellesmere022
e12 11837549 owned by Ellesmere022
Era 12 11902217 A owned by VenemousGiant
GMT Courageously Boosted owned by ImagineThat1
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
KT4 E12 Twisted Shade owned by Kintara
RR Metallurgy E12 owned by VenomVixen
G1WD A Dream Of Hope FTS owned by Ellesmere022
F BC SilverFox owned by BoredCowgirl
Era 13 Stallion Futurity Standings:
VGN Gay and Tired E13MAX owned by VenemousGiantTop 10 Foals:
HF3 Future Hanover owned by HighstormFarm
FF Futurity 11846689 owned by FollysFantasies
FF Futurity 11846682 INC owned by FollysFantasies
FF Futurity 11846683 owned by FollysFantasies
11857023 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
11857025 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
HF3 Future Adjust E13 owned by HighstormFarm
3G 11857021 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
3G 11857022 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
Top 10 Foals:
11886576 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
4G 11886501 E13Fut owned by spotpixe
4G 11886573 E13Fut owned by spotpixe
FF Futurity 11846745 INC owned by FollysFantasies
FF Futurity 11846758 owned by FollysFantasies
11886572 E13Fut owned by spotpixe
11886570 E13Fut owned by spotpixe
11886575 E13Fut owned by spotpixe
FF Futurity 11846723 INC owned by FollysFantasies
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
F 3g She Didnt Squirt E13 owned by RLazyBRanch
E13G2 Carry Me owned by 4laska
F BC DarkSideOfTheMoon owned by BoredCowgirl
E13G2 Free Ranger owned by 4laska
Era 14 Stallion Futurity Standings:
E14G1 Wild Cabernet owned by 4laskaTop 10 Foals:
KT2 E14 Wild Me owned by Kintara
E14 11878356 2G owned by WinDriftHill
KT2 E14 WildxPose owned by Kintara
KT2 E14 Wild Zed mare owned by Kintara
KT2 E14 Dark n Wild owned by Kintara
LiabilitiesE14 11897309 2G owned by WinDriftHill
E14 11874555 2G owned by WinDriftHill
1000KT2 E14 WildxSports owned by Kintara
KT2 E14 WildxGrullo owned by Kintara
E14 11874544 2G owned by WinDriftHill
Top 10 Foals:
HF2 Future Describes owned by HighstormFarm
2GBC Harbinger 11889116 owned by CarlyManciu
2GBC Harbinger 11889130 owned by BoredCowgirl
HF2 Future Actors owned by HighstormFarm
E14G2 Thorough Tan owned by Swancy
HF2 Future Sprinkle owned by HighstormFarm
HF2 Future Reserve owned by HighstormFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
14C Decadent Chocolate owned by Fireflake
ME Pyrite Thanks owned by RLazyBRanch
14Y Winter Snowfall owned by Fireflake
E14 Smooth Criminal owned by Firebrand