Official Trophy List
List Of Awards
Showing All Awards for Year 126 Stallion Futurity
Era 0 Stallion Futurity Standings:
13upGaladriel of Fire owned by BossScorpioTop 10 Foals:
Futurity 11346865 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346871 owned by Ellesmere022
E0 BSG FUT Qualifications owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346870 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346861 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346862 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346868 owned by Ellesmere022
E0 BSGG FUT Adobe owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11346860 owned by Ellesmere022
f11397901 owned by ImagineThat1
Top 10 Foals:
FUT PASS SBA 11272968 owned by Ellesmere022
E0 BSG Fut Chestnut owned by Ellesmere022
E0 BSG Fut Profiles owned by Ellesmere022
11272958 owned by Ellesmere022
E0 BSG Fut Drove owned by Ellesmere022
11272720 owned by Ellesmere022
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
ForVenGiant Last Tourist owned by VenemousGiant
KBS Pedro owned by HighstormFarm
Mx5B FGBC Revl sasa 148 owned by FgbcHorses2
$RR Top Twister E0 owned by VenomVixen
Era 1 Stallion Futurity Standings:
1 FGBC Shrubbery owned by FgbcHorses2Top 10 Foals:
SH11360817 owned by LoopDuhLoop
11308783 E1Fut owned by darkpixe
OE1 futurity 11275221 owned by VenemousGiant
BBBC ColorfulShrub owned by BoredCowgirl
BSBC A What owned by BoredCowgirl
11308775 E1Fut owned by darkpixe
11308862 E1Fut owned by darkpixe
SH Fetch Me A Shrubber owned by Looper
SH11360819 owned by LoopDuhLoop
SH11360820 owned by Looper
Top 10 Foals:
BSBC Bushman 11303316 owned by BoredCowgirl
Era 1 fut 11274837 gold owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11274834 blue owned by VenemousGiant
BSBC Bushman 11303358 owned by BoredCowgirl
BSBC Bushman 11303321 owned by BoredCowgirl
OE1 futurity 11274839 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 1 fut 11275218 2gold owned by VenemousGiant
OE1 futurity 11274838 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
A999 SB Republic owned by AHayesHorses
$RR Little Rocket E1 owned by VenomVixen
F BS French Objective E1 owned by RLazyBRanch
A999 Mu Rawhide owned by AHayesHorses
Era 2 Stallion Futurity Standings:
F8g Fame in the Jungle E2 owned by RLazyBRanchTop 10 Foals:
11309755 E2Fut owned by spotpixe
2 11275310 gmt owned by FgbcHorses2
11309752 E2Fut owned by spotpixe
E2 BSB FUT Mainly owned by Ellesmere022
2 11275313 owned by FgbcHorses2
E2 BSB FUT Ms owned by Ellesmere022
2 11275312 owned by FgbcHorses2
2 11275314 owned by FgbcHorses2
11309753 E2Fut owned by spotpixe
2 11275309 owned by FgbcHorses2
Top 10 Foals:
BSBC Cookies 11282796 owned by BoredCowgirl
UE 11308773 E2Fut owned by darkpixe
UE 11308758 E2Fut owned by darkpixe
BSBC Cookies 11282794 owned by BoredCowgirl
BSBC Cookies 11282786 owned by BoredCowgirl
S11340099 owned by RubyJoFarm
UE 11308864 E2Fut owned by darkpixe
S11340102 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11340103 owned by RubyJoFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
VGN Moss and Mushrooms E2 owned by VenemousGiant
Era2 StormzNSaintz owned by whywishesarehorses
A999 mu Risk owned by AHayesHorses
SH10870568 owned by Looper
Era 3 Stallion Futurity Standings:
3 FGBC Bex hOnx bchnhDFP1 owned by FgbcHorses2Top 10 Foals:
UEBC Bex 11303313 owned by BoredCowgirl
UEBC Bex 11303308 owned by BoredCowgirl
Patches Psychological owned by Fireflake
Banana Clause owned by Fireflake
E3 BS 11291196 owned by RLazyBRanch
F BS Martian E3 owned by RLazyBRanch
Open Locations owned by Fireflake
Era 3 Brood BS 11291194 owned by RLazyBRanch
Top 10 Foals:
3 11303285 gmt mare owned by FgbcHorses2
3 11303281 gmt mare owned by FgbcHorses2
S11274709 owned by RubyJoFarm
3 11303279 gmt owned by FgbcHorses2
S11274702 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11274707 owned by RubyJoFarm
3 11303275 owned by FgbcHorses2
S11274692 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11274701 owned by RubyJoFarm
3 11303278 owned by FgbcHorses2
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
10 E3 PRE Easy Listening owned by Firebrand
A999 Mu Redwood owned by AHayesHorses
A999 SB Red owned by AHayesHorses
A999 SB Registry owned by AHayesHorses
Era 4 Stallion Futurity Standings:
S 4S RussiaBP skwwbtndr 12S owned by RubyJoFarmTop 10 Foals:
Futurity 11335359 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11335025 owned by Ellesmere022
G5 Fut 11362775 owned by whywishesarehorses
Hushed owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11335360 owned by Ellesmere022
E4 BSB FUT Shield owned by Ellesmere022
Top 10 Foals:
S11275756 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11275751 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11275749 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11275730 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11275755 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11275740 owned by RubyJoFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
604s DF Spicy Mistake MU owned by DragnFly
BS Fut Metal Hydra owned by whywishesarehorses
SB G3 FS ValentineWish owned by silverborn
RETIRED MoodSpecialty owned by Ellesmere022
Era 5 Stallion Futurity Standings:
SG7 Delightful Flute S5 owned by LumosRainTop 10 Foals:
S11340347 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11340344 owned by RubyJoFarm
S11340345 owned by RubyJoFarm
11283797 E5Fut owned by spotpixe
11283803 E5Fut owned by spotpixe
11283807 E5Fut owned by spotpixe
S11340343 owned by RubyJoFarm
11283810 E5Fut owned by spotpixe
11283799 E5Fut owned by spotpixe
Top 10 Foals:
5g 11308993 E5Fut owned by Vella
E5 BS 11291189 owned by RLazyBRanch
Era 5 Brood BS 11291192 owned by RLazyBRanch
Era 5 Brood BS 11291182 owned by RLazyBRanch
11309004 E5Fut owned by Vella
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Allied Country 4GXXstar owned by whywishesarehorses
SB G4H DescribeLights owned by silverborn
F3g Mechanical E5 owned by RLazyBRanch
3G BC Chocoholic owned by BoredCowgirl
Era 6 Stallion Futurity Standings:
FBF E6 Seize the Day owned by FirebrandTop 10 Foals:
E6 fut 11274301 BA blue owned by VenemousGiant
E6 fut 74303 te1te2 blue owned by VenemousGiant
SH 11274212 owned by RLazyBRanch
SH 11274214 owned by RLazyBRanch
E6 fut 11274289 BA blue owned by VenemousGiant
Top 10 Foals:
11309660 E6Fut owned by spotpixe
HF Future Icon BS owned by HighstormFarm
HF Future Criticism BS owned by HighstormFarm
4g 11309663 E6Fut owned by spotpixe
6 11303300 4G owned by FgbcHorses2
HF4 Future Nurses owned by HighstormFarm
HF Future Weekends BS owned by HighstormFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
BV4 Frosted Trees U owned by BlueValley
FP My Satin Slate owned by ValkyriePhoenix
4g 10357825 owned by spotpixe
G4 Late Nite Excellence owned by whywishesarehorses
Era 7 Stallion Futurity Standings:
3S Abu SKSAPBmulc 116S owned by RubyJoFarmTop 10 Foals:
E7 Lace Pools BA blue owned by VenemousGiant
E7 Collar Lace BA blue owned by VenemousGiant
E7 fut 11274324 owned by VenemousGiant
E7 fut 11274334 owned by VenemousGiant
Era 7 Brood BS 11274168 owned by RLazyBRanch
E7 fut 11274336 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 10 Foals:
7 11275513 4G owned by FgbcHorses2
Alicorn Practical owned by Fireflake
11280188 E7Fut owned by darkpixe
11280193 E7Fut owned by darkpixe
Post Sharing owned by Fireflake
7 11275515 owned by FgbcHorses2
4g 11280191 E7Fut owned by darkpixe
SS23 4g Futurity Candy owned by Firebrand
Rover Skipper owned by Fireflake
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Basileus owned by LittleEquine
SB G3L FS AllowSubstance owned by silverborn
VGN Amber Oak owned by VenemousGiant
7 FGBC MarsMadness 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
Era 8 Stallion Futurity Standings:
F2g Cranberry Crown E8 owned by RLazyBRanchTop 10 Foals:
3GBC LustrousCrown 11302743 owned by BoredCowgirl
Transit Atom owned by Fireflake
8R Shards of Crown owned by Fireflake
3GBC LustrousCrown 11302747 owned by BoredCowgirl
Mothers Endorsed owned by Fireflake
ESS Xhtml Incorrect owned by EasternShowBarn
3g 11276998 E8Fut owned by spotpixe
3GBCTwistedCrown 11456371 owned by BoredCowgirl
Top 10 Foals:
4GBC Aladdin 11282487 owned by BoredCowgirl
4GBC Aladdin 11282470 owned by BoredCowgirl
SB FF AnythingMonkey owned by silverborn
11281993 E8Fut owned by Vella
4GBC Aladdin 11282478 owned by BoredCowgirl
SB FF MinimumSoggy owned by silverborn
11282068 E8Fut owned by Vella
SB FF BobbyExaminations owned by silverborn
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Oye Como Va G2S owned by Whippoorwill
2S RiffRaff SKSALCbmu107A owned by RubyJoFarm
RETIRED Spicy Noogles owned by Ellesmere022
SF Push The Storm owned by StarrFire
Era 9 Stallion Futurity Standings:
F2g Pocket Truffles E9 owned by RLazyBRanchTop 10 Foals:
3GBC DoubleTruffle 11302260 owned by BoredCowgirl
3GBC DoubleTruffle 11302270 owned by BoredCowgirl
9 11275299 3G gmt owned by FgbcHorses2
9 11275306 3G gmt owned by FgbcHorses2
3GBC TruffleTruffle owned by BoredCowgirl
GIFT RAoG3GBC Truffle 11302528 owned by Tarentum
3GBC Truffle 11302466 owned by BoredCowgirl
G3 Fut 11361781 owned by whywishesarehorses
9 11275302 3G owned by FgbcHorses2
3GBC DoubleTruffle 11302269 owned by BoredCowgirl
Top 10 Foals:
4GBC LustyShowgirl 11303566 owned by BoredCowgirl
9 11292795 4G gmt owned by FgbcHorses2
9 11292818 4G owned by FgbcHorses2
4GBC LustyShowgirl 11303573 owned by BoredCowgirl
SH 11349716 owned by RLazyBRanch
Era 9 Brood BS 11349713 owned by RLazyBRanch
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
G3 Mushaboom owned by whywishesarehorses
2G TexasMoonshine owned by BoredCowgirl
E9 Login 10786618 owned by Seaswell
KCL Sko owned by CoppiLane
Era 10 Stallion Futurity Standings:
2G BC SynergyShowstopper owned by BoredCowgirlTop 10 Foals:
w3G 11349694 E10Fut owned by Vella
11349698 E10Fut owned by Vella
w3G 11349696 E10Fut owned by Vella
11349693 E10Fut owned by Vella
w3G 11349697 E10Fut owned by Vella
FL e10 11344855 owned by LumosRain
11349691 E10Fut owned by Vella
11349699 E10Fut owned by Vella
11349695 E10Fut owned by Vella
x3G 11349692 E10Fut owned by Vella
Top 10 Foals:
Futurity 11332849 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11332846 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11332842 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11332847 owned by Ellesmere022
RETIRED Ball Condition owned by Ellesmere022
FP Amaretto Frosted owned by ValkyriePhoenix
Futurity 11332844 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11332843 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11348202 owned by Ellesmere022
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
1 Erebus SKGCtwsax 104A owned by RubyJoFarm
*Nuka Cola AAM owned by BossScorpio
KT3 E10 Professor mu owned by Kintara
10 FGBC Proteus 2G SUP owned by FgbcHorses2
Era 11 Stallion Futurity Standings:
E11 Caerfai Bay FTS owned by Ellesmere022Top 10 Foals:
ESS Currant Challenged owned by EasternShowBarn
ESS House Plantain owned by EasternShowBarn
2g 11274565 E11Fut owned by spotpixe
ESS Reprint Laser owned by EasternShowBarn
ESS Cotton Queensland owned by EasternShowBarn
ESS Stays Intelligence owned by EasternShowBarn
ES2 11283064 E11 owned by EasternShowBarn
2g 11274562 E11Fut owned by spotpixe
Top 10 Foals:
3GBC StupendousLife11334648 owned by BoredCowgirl
3GBC StupendousLife11335018 owned by BoredCowgirl
3GBC StupendousLife11335002 owned by BoredCowgirl
3GBC StupendousLife11335011 owned by BoredCowgirl
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
GMT Caviar N Crackers e11 owned by ImagineThat1
F BC Stellar Phenomena owned by BoredCowgirl
G1 Lord Winterfell chn 11 owned by LumosRain
1 Plutus Swcwprdmlcsg104A owned by RubyJoFarm
Era 12 Stallion Futurity Standings:
GIFT RAoGES1 Aint No Sunshine owned by BoredCowgirlTop 10 Foals:
Blah Mandate Gift owned by EasternShowBarn
E12 2g 11290991 owned by RLazyBRanch
E12 2g 11290999 owned by RLazyBRanch
G2 Fut 11362777 owned by whywishesarehorses
ESS Drunk Annoyed owned by EasternShowBarn
Top 10 Foals:
2g 11274051 E12Fut owned by spotpixe
Futurity 11273056 owned by Ellesmere022
Futurity 11273061 owned by Ellesmere022
2g 11381859 E12Fut owned by spotpixe
11274065 E12Fut owned by spotpixe
2g 11274064 E12Fut owned by spotpixe
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
12 SSP Profiteer benchmrk owned by SparkleStraightPonies
Picnic At The Beach 01Y owned by Summervine
KT2 E12 Hidden Shine A owned by Kintara
Sweetest Baba Marta owned by whywishesarehorses
Era 13 Stallion Futurity Standings:
13 FGBC Decadence owned by FgbcHorses2Top 10 Foals:
11275196 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
13R Amusing Decadence fut owned by Fireflake
2g 11275199 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
2g 11275195 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
Era 13 11322096 BA owned by VenemousGiant
2g 11275192 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
E13 G2RFUT Cardinal owned by Ellesmere022
Era 13 11322100 owned by VenemousGiant
Top 10 Foals:
2g 11275206 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
HF2 Future Taste owned by HighstormFarm
2g 11275208 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
2g 11275205 E13Fut owned by darkpixe
Era 13 Brood 2g 11290978 owned by RLazyBRanch
HF2 Future Appetizing owned by HighstormFarm
Era 13 Brood 2g 11290977 owned by RLazyBRanch
HF2 Future Scale owned by HighstormFarm
HF2 Future Booth owned by HighstormFarm
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
RR Crimson Sands E13 owned by VenomVixen
13C Planning Time owned by Fireflake
SB FS G2L PossumBeer owned by silverborn
G1CIF Carry It On owned by Ellesmere022
Era 14 Stallion Futurity Standings:
Kelpie E14 owned by Gracie3BTop 10 Foals:
Coral Seawater E14 owned by Omahaslove
ZBuilding Tripadvisor owned by Omahaslove
ZInjured Choice owned by Omahaslove
Satin Seahorse E14 owned by Omahaslove
ZHimalayan Loganberry owned by Omahaslove
ZChampions Advocate owned by Omahaslove
ZMime Meaning owned by Omahaslove
ZBreed Building owned by Omahaslove
ZLargest Cleveland owned by Omahaslove
ZThunder Stable owned by Omahaslove
Top 10 Foals:
14 11677501 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677503 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677499 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677509 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677512 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677506 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677511 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677502 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677500 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
14 11677504 2G owned by FgbcHorses2
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Pandoras Pandemonium E14 owned by Omahaslove
Born Superstars 11723497 owned by whywishesarehorses
VGN Vault Robber owned by VenemousGiant
14Y Winter Snowfall owned by Fireflake